Friday, April 24, 2009

Bye Bye Flannel!

What a glorious day! We had a spring tease a couple weeks ago and I resisted oiling my winter gloves, pilling my scarves and sweaters as well as polishing my winter boots before putting them away for I knew, we would have one last blast of winter. And we did.

But looking ahead, it seems that spring is now here to stay and summer is not too far off either. What better way to toast this auspicious occasion, than by crawling into spring fresh sheets tonight!

Upon rising this morning, the winter sheets were yanked off the bed ~ the last time this season! While they were being laundered, the spring sheets were put on the line to catch the cool morning breeze. The pillows had a quick fluff tumble in the dryer and then went outside as well.

I should have been wearier of all the birds chirping about the nice weather, but could not resist the lure of the sun! One pillowcase needed to be re-washed thanks to a well place shot from a winged bomber but other than that, my bedding escaped unmarked. And besides, I acquired a taste for stuffed pigeon while living in the Middle East, so now I have dinner all planned and I don’t even need to go to the grocery store.
People find it hard to believe that I iron my sheets and truth be told, it does take a little while to get them nice and crisp. But tonight when I lay my head on my pillow, I KNOW it will be worth the effort


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