Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The welcome mat is out!

It might not be as grand a Highclere Castle (aka Downton Abbey), or even one of the cottages on the 1000 estate, but with 6 acres there is room for expansion at Lonsdale Manor. After 4 sign-backs numerous sleepless nights, we got it!

France folks, poppies! Do you see the poppies?

Lord Fauntleroy and Kitkat will attest to the fact that my summer residence would be called Beekman Place after Auntie Mame's sanctuary. A place you could always count on being there, come what may. Zombie apocalypse, one too many door-to-door invitations to join this or that religion or a much needed rest from the hustle of the big city.

But know that the 'cottage' was built for an actual Lord has me rethinking the entire name. Lonsdale Manor seems a big grand for what it is. And as I am not one for titles, perhaps Lonsdale Place or even Lonsdale cottage is more appropriate.

In addition to TWO working fireplaces, there is one mother of a cast iron stove in the kitchen that I am super excited to try. And practically on my back doorstep is a rabbit warren. Them's good eatin'! I guess warren is not quite an accurate description as that implies it is man-made. Anyway, there seem to be plenty to go around. AND, with my apple tree, who can say yummy stuffing?

IronMan is particularly thrilled with the snakes we discovered living in the well. Belt anyone?

As is my tendency, I am imaging 'light' yard work and endless amounts of fun. Of course, once I take those rose tinted spectacle off, I'm sure the reality will be quite different. But anyone who knows me knows I do like to keep busy.

While my garden temple and greenhouse might have to wait for a year or two, I am getting my sink this summer and there will also be a croquet cum lawn bowling court with a river view.

The welcome mat will be out, the Pimms on ice and the two guests rooms first come, first serve.

I must also state here for the record that my mother has an open invitation and she WILL have a good time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see it.
I too have had the sleepless nights and you and I are both ready for some down time.
Congratulations Honey and with the honey.

4:46 AM  

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