Up Down Up Down Loop Up Down Up....
That memory has somewhat faded and this morning at approximately 10:23 I found myself strapped into Canada Wonderland’s new roller coaster Behemoth. Before the first plunge, you could see over everything in the park – including the mountain! Oh My God! It was unbelievable! We figured if we started there, we would avoid a wicked line later and be able to handle any other ride.
The lines were pretty much none-existent but I am not sure why. The sky threatened rain all day but none came. It is the holidays and the kids are out of school, but they didn’t seem to be at the park. So short were the lines that we managed to hit the Psyclone, Time Warp, Flight Deck, Dragon Fire, Wild Beast, Vortex, The Bat, Mighty Canadian Mindbuster, SkyRider (which I am convinced cracked my lower ribs as I tightened the restraint as much as possible to avoid flying out), Krachenwagen and we finished the day with another run on the Behemoth. It was a roller coaster sandwich with Behemoth bread.
After Psyclone, we needed a bit of a sit….and we both promised that would be the last ride we did that spun. That was almost the end of the day. But after a rest in some AC and a little something to eat, we were back at it.
As we were flung here and there, bashed about and generally bruised all over, we kept screaming “I hate this” and “we are never doing this again”. But 15 minutes in line seems to numb the brain and we soon found ourselves being strapped in for more “fun”.
Seven hours later, we called it quits. The “discounted tickets after 5:00” crowd started to make things less desirable. And really, there was nothing else we wanted to do. We did go check the line at the drop tower, but neither of us could muster the courage to go on that again. We knew it was a different park, but death is death and we didn’t want to tempt it again.
Next year LSC, we RIDE again.